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Who we are

Chairman Message


The aspiration to create more value locally, offer new opportunities for young Saudis, and the innate drive to further contribute to the enhancement of reliable and efficient production of the Kingdom’s natural resources, is what lies at the very heart of Sawafi Borets.

The energy sector is the main driver of the Kingdom’s economy. It is what fuels the economic diversification and overall transformation of our great nation. Aligning our business strategy with the Kingdom’s vision of growth, we are investing in every opportunity to support, strengthen, and enhance the capabilities of the local industry.

In Sawafi Borets, a global leader in upstream technologies has come together with the world’s leading producer of ESPs, to maximize the efficiencies of local upstream sector and further strengthen the Kingdom’s leadership in the global oil & gas industry.

Enabled by world-class infrastructure, logistics and support services, the long-term vision of Sawafi Borets is to empower the drilling sector and make it self-sufficient, by locally providing the services and products of the highest global standards required in artificial lift industry.

The transfer and localization of technology also enables the creation of new opportunities for potential Saudi talents to develop skills and expertise and take up promising roles in the critically important sector.

The aspiration to create more value locally, offer new opportunities for young Saudis, and the innate drive to further contribute to the enhancement of reliable and efficient production of the Kingdom’s natural resources, is what lies at the very heart of Sawafi Borets.

Rami Alturki