Product detail

Production and Power saving Optimization


To optimize pumping systems, we rely on captured well data to select and size the equipment that will form the complete system.

To optimize pumping systems, we rely on captured well data to select and size the equipment that will form the complete system.

Once operating, the monitoring and evaluation of data by our highly trained Application Engineers will recommend and refine the operations after monitoring and evaluating the operations to achieve optimum system performance. The delicate balance between well behavior and pump performance means that as well conditions change, pump performance needs to be evaluated and modified accordingly.

Our experts provide tailor-made production optimization (PO) services to suit all our customers’ needs and requirements:

  • Understanding and aligning with our customers’ PO goals
  • Analyzing and understanding the effectiveness of any previous optimization efforts
  • Assessing availability and access to reservoir and wellbore characterization data, historical production data, information about previous well treatments or interventions, existing possible constraints
  • Examining existing well performance to better understand the relationship between current decline rates and drawdown
  • Analyzing variances between original pump system design and current performance
  • Defining project scope and required resources

We optimize our customers’ operations by:

  • Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Customized pump system design options based on reservoir capabilities and our customer’s objectives
  • The potential utilization of innovative technology available in Sawafi Borets broad product portfolio
  • Remote well monitoring and surveillance including the periodic recommendation for adjustments to operational parameters
  • Periodic field-wide analysis and reviews to assess performance impacts and identify additional areas for improvement
  • Regular reporting, communication, and evaluation of performance against established KPIs