Product detail

Deviated Wells and Small Casing Sizes


Maximize run life and production in small-diameter casings or highly deviated wells.

Maximize run life and production in small-diameter casings or highly deviated wells.


  • Wells with small-diameter casing
  • Deviated wells


  • Slimline ESP System
  • Permanent Magnet Motor – Progressing Cavity Pump (PMM – PCP)


  • Increased production
  • High efficiency for lower operating cost

Artificial lift options can often be limited in wells with small-diameter casings or that are highly deviated. The operational and reliability challenges or constraint on equipment size options can result in reduced or deferred production and well underperformance.

Deviated Wells

The Borets PMM-PCP system delivers the drawdown to improve production in highly deviated or horizontal wells where methods like rod pumping are challenged or not considered a viable option.

By utilizing a downhole PMM to drive a progressing cavity pump (PCP), the Borets PMM-PCP system is not susceptible to the same mechanical wear risk associated with using a steel rod string to surface.

Using a PMM also eliminates the need for a downhole gearbox, further reducing mechanical complexity, thereby contributing to longer system run life.

Small Casing Sizes

The Borets Slimline ESP System helps increase production and well performance in small-diameter well casings. Incorporating a high-speed permanent magnet motor (PMM) with up to 150 horsepower, the Slimline ESP System operates at flow rates from 164 bpd (at 3,000 rpm) to 1,258 (at 6,000 rpm) in casings with an inside diameter of 3.46 inches or larger.

Using 272 series pumps available in compression, floater, or packet construction, the system is capable of delivering up to 12,500 feet of head.

The innovative Borets Packet pump is better able to withstand the harsh conditions and abrasive production typically experienced by ESPs in unconventional well applications.