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Protecting the people and safeguarding the environment

The safety of our employees, customers, shareholders, and communities is vitally important. From the way we operate, to the products we develop, to how we partner with customers, our commitment is integrated into our business activities, sustained by establishing plans and achieving goals for continual improvement, verified through management systems, and openly communicated to interested parties.

Sawafi Borets’s Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) policy is to conduct business in a manner that protects people, assets, and the environment. All employees are committed to embody our safety culture through personal leadership, engagement, and empowerment.

We operate in full compliance with all international standards regarding quality of our products, our environmental aspects and to support our commitment to protecting people and the environment, we have implemented an industrial and occupational safety, health, and environmental management system.

Among other things, this system helps us manage fire and electrical safety risks, prevent accidents and near misses, and execute emergency response plans if required.

The system helps us monitor, analyze, and predict compliance with international standards and is critical in our quest to continuously improve performance across the organization. It is a valuable tool that helps us achieve greater consistency, predictability, and reliability across company divisions and locations.

At Sawafi Borets, we are committed to:

  • Integrate QHSE into the business strategies and processes.
  • Manage QHSE effectively by developing, implementing, and maintaining a best practice, process oriented, integrated management system.
  • Assess and manage the QHSE risks of the business throughout the provision of services and the environmental impacts from past practices.
  • Measure QHSE performance and develop annual and long term QHSE objectives to achieve continuous, sustainable improvement.
  • Verify compliance with internal and external requirements through audits and strive for compliance with international standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 or ISO 45001.
  • To comply with all the applicable legal and other requirements to which organization is subscribed.
  • Promote QHSE awareness and enhance confidence of internal and external stakeholders in our business by informing, consulting, training, and advising.
  • Hold every employee accountable for their commitment to principles.
  • To review the policy periodically to ensure its suitability according to organization’s activities.